About Me
I have enjoyed a rich, varied and fulfilling career.
I graduated with a PhD in Organic Chemistry from Cambridge University and immediately changed track to pursue a career in Marketing. After 3 years, I realised that I the challenge of working on multiple projects simultaneously and moved into Operations integrating my external commercial perspective with driving excellence in internal operations. I held a number of roles in Operations culminating in a general management position for support services – HR, Finance, Logistics, QA, H&S, Environmental Management and Continuous Improvement falling within my remit. In addition, I advised on EU regulatory requirements for the Japanese parent company. At the same time, I developed external interests and deepened my expertise through a diverse range of activities including; assessor for the UK Quality Award, inspector of colleges in the UK post-16 sector, mentoring in education, and Chair of an environmental body.
After 10 years in Operations I changed career paths again to become a management consultant. I have worked with senior leaders and their teams in a wide range of organisations. My fields of expertise include strategic HR, talent strategy & development, executive coaching for individuals and teams, leadership & organisational development, achieving uplift in people capabilities, change leadership and client relationship development. I have held global client relationship and regional sector lead roles in life sciences, developing value propositions and supporting local consultants to understand the key trends and implications in their work with clients.
I recently completed an advanced level diploma in executive coaching that was also an 18-month journey of self-discovery and deeper understanding of who I am and what drives my behaviours, emotions and interactions. This has led to me thinking profoundly about how I can make better use of the gifts and talents that I have to impact a wider circle of people.
My purpose in life, my "Why" is to: “connect with people in a way that makes them feel stronger and more capable so that they can achieve great things”.
This is underpinned by some core beliefs:
I need to show courage, compassion and wisdom. Compassion means being kind to others and myself, particularly when things go wrong. Courage requires me to voice the difficult ‘truths’. I define wisdom as knowing when to speak and when to be silent.
Empathy and respect are fundamental to having real dialogue.
Everyone has the right to be who he or she is and to express that (as long as they do not harm others).
It is important to be open to new experiences and different perspectives.
All human beings are connected: I can be helpful, encouraging and send vibrations and energy into the world that have a positive impact on others.
I use my purpose and beliefs to orientate myself to how I want to be in the world and how I engage with others – at work and home. This is my north star and will guide me in my work with you.
I look forward to being your personal chemist and working with you to create tailored solutions that enable you and your organisation to continue to grow and excel!

My Expertise
Trusted Advice
Talent Strategy & Development
Capability Uplift
Executive Coaching
Executive Assessment
Leadership Development
Executive Team Coaching & Development
Organisation Development
Performance Culture